World in Motion: The Future of Global Power Dynamics

The Naval War College Foundation (NWCF) and James E. Hayes Endowment invite you to a biennial luncheon on Thursday, May 1, 2025. The day’s featured speaker is Dr. Sally C.M. Paine, William S. Sims University Professor of History and Grand Strategy U.S. Naval War College. Dr. Paine is an engaging speaker and expert on geopolitics.

Event Details

Thursday, May 1
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Attire: Business (tie optional)


University Club of Chicago
76 East Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60603

About the Speaker

Professor Sarah "Sally" Paine, William S. Sims University Professor of History and Grand Strategy, has taught strategy at the Naval War College since 2000. She lectures on geopolitics, Mao, the Russo-Japanese world, Chinese civil, Korean, Vietnam, and Cold Wars. Her books are based on nine years overseas, with multiple years in Taiwan and Japan, and a year each in China, Russia, Australia, and Britain. They focus on the relations among China, Russia, and Japan and on the operational and strategic effects of naval blockades, commerce raiding, naval coalitions, peripheral operations, non-military uses of navies, and fleets in being. She also holds the Ernest J. King Professor of Maritime History billet.


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