Registration open for the 2020 San Francisco Symposium

Jan 30, 2020

**Please note that due to challenges related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the San Francisco Symposium has been rescheduled to October 17, 2020.**

The Naval War College Foundation will once again host its annual San Francisco Symposium on March 28, 2020 at the Marines’ Memorial Club and Hotel in downtown San Francisco. This year’s topic is “International Order and Great Power Competition” with Naval War College (NWC) faculty speakers Dr. Andrea Dew, Dr. Colin Jackson, Dr. Terence Roehrig, and Dr. Mary Thompson-Jones.

The San Francisco Symposium was established by the Foundation as an outreach tool, providing west coast members and guests an opportunity to learn directly from the esteemed faculty of the NWC. The format allows attendees to have an open discussion with the guest speakers about the latest topics in national security as well as network and connect with fellow NWCF members.

Registration for the event is open to the public: Reserve your seat today!


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