NWC Humanitarian Response Program Lends Expertise to COVID-19 Fight

Apr 8, 2020

In the past several weeks, the Naval War College (NWC) has been active on multiple fronts in the fight against COVID-19. From providing in-person expertise and response recommendations to partnering with fellow academics and NGOs in developing a planning framework for local decision-makers, the NWC’s Humanitarian Response Program is helping to guide actions at the local, national and international levels.

“Our goal is to help save lives and alleviate suffering in the state of Rhode Island, the U.S. and across the globe,” said professor David Polatty, founder and director of the Humanitarian Response Program.

The HR Program is also developing a COVID-19 case study that will be analyzed as part of an upcoming elective course at the College. This effort is in line with the broader mission of the NWC to educate and develop future leaders by enhancing their ability to advise senior leaders and policy-makers. By studying the lessons learned from coronavirus outbreak, the students will be better prepared to respond to future pandemics or other humanitarian disasters.

More information about the work of Polatty and the Humanitarian Response Program team is available at https://usnwc.edu/News-and-Events/News/Humanitarian-Response-Program-Offers-Expertise-For-COVID-19-Response.


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