Endowed Fund for Arctic Studies

The NWCF has been awarded a generous $500,000 grant to begin an endowed fund for Arctic Studies at the U.S. Naval War College (USNWC). In addition, we have been awarded an extra $500,000 challenge grant. Our goal is to see this critically important fund reach the $1.5 million threshold for an endowed chair by the end of 2027. 

To make a gift online, complete the form to the right. If you encounter any issues with the online form, please contact the Foundation at 401.848.8300 or at info@nwcfoundation.org.

To make a gift by mail:
A check can be made payable to Naval War College Foundation (NWCF)
Naval War College Foundation
686 Cushing Road
Newport, RI 02841

Thank you for supporting the rewarding missions of the U.S. Naval War College and Naval War College Foundation.


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