by NWCF | Jul 22, 2021 | News
The U.S. Naval War College (USNWC) and the Naval War College Foundation (NWCF) have used the centenary of the first “great war” and the pandemic of 1918 to reconsider the historical influence upon contemporary discussions of future maritime strategy. Research in...
by NWCF | Jul 7, 2021 | News
The Summer 2021 issue of The Bridge explores the emergence of Artificial Intelligence as a key factor in today’s national security environment. Featuring contributions from USNWC Professors Sam Tangredi, Thomas Creely, Chris Demchak, and CAPT Mike O’Hara...
by NWCF | Jun 16, 2021 | News
At the College of Naval Warfare (CNW) and College of Naval Command & Staff (CNCS) graduation ceremonies on June 11th, the U.S. Naval War College (USNWC) announced the two individuals who achieved the top academic standing in their respective classes. As the top...
by NWCF | May 5, 2021 | News
On May 17-19, 2021, the Stockton Center for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College will host the 3rd Annual Alexander C. Cushing International Law Conference, this year focusing on the “Rule of Law in the Indo-Pacific Region and Beyond.” Funding for the...
by NWCF | Apr 22, 2021 | News
U.S. Naval War College Professor Timothy Hoyt, PhD, was the guest lecturer at the ninth Newport Lecture Series of the 2020-2021 academic year, hosted by the Naval War College Foundation. Dr. Hoyt’s lecture, “Thinking About Great Power Competition,”...
by NWCF | Apr 2, 2021 | News
U.S. Naval War College Professor James Kraska, LL.M, S.J.D, was the guest lecturer at the eighth Newport Lecture Series of the 2020-2021 academic year, hosted by the Naval War College Foundation. Kraska’s lecture, Disruptive Technologies and International Law,...