Virtual Newport Lecture Series with Dr. Brian Chao

Virtual Newport Lecture Series with Dr. Brian Chao

  The Taiwan Question: Cross-Strait Relations and U.S. Policy Past, Present, and Future Brian C. Chao is an assistant professor in the National Security Affairs Department at the Naval War College, a non-resident associate of the Center for the Study of...
Virtual Newport Lecture Series with Dr. Brian Chao

Virtual Newport Lecture Series with Paul Schmitt

Assessing China’s Military Modernization Please join us for the February presentation of the Virtual Newport Lecture Series with U.S. Naval War College Professor Paul Schmitt. Professor Schmitt is an associate research professor in the Strategic and Operational...
Planned Giving Matters: Tax Considerations in a New Administration

Planned Giving Matters: Tax Considerations in a New Administration

The NWCF will host its inaugural Planned Giving informational session on Tuesday, December 8 at 2:00 pm EST. The event will feature a keynote presentation by attorney Eric Archer and a planned giving testimonial by NWCF Trustee, Phil Dunmire. Mr. Archer will discuss...

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