Admirals Society

Generous benefactors who have cumulatively given $25,000 or more in their lifetimes become members of the Naval War College Foundation Admirals Society.

Two-Star Level

van Beuren Charitable Foundation
Total lifetime donations: $5.7 million

Mahan Level

Lifetime giving between $1,000,000 up to $2,499,999
Estimated total donations: $7.07 million

Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust
Mrs. Nancy W. Cushing Evans and Mr. Robert B. Evans
EMC Corporation
Mrs. Eleanor Steinhauer
Pritzker Military Foundation
Smith Richardson Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Hope H. van Beuren

Luce Level

Lifetime giving between $500,000 up to $1,000,000
Estimated total donations: $3.25 million

Mr. Philip M. Bilden and Dr. Patricia Bilden
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Obenshain
RTX Corporation
Slocum, Gordon, and Co. LLP

Spruance Level

Lifetime giving between $250,000 up to $500,000
Estimated total donations: $4.61 million

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Constantine
Mrs. Linda Gordon
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
John M. Olin Foundation, Incorporated

Mr. Peter D. Kiernan III
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Raytheon Technologies

Mr. Dwight D. Sipprelle and Mrs. Susan Sipprelle
The Annenberg Foundation
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
The Robert and Helen Odell Fund

Sims Level

Lifetime giving between $100,000 up to $250,000
Total estimated donations: $8.9 million

Dr. Stephanie Bennett-Smith
Breidenthal-Snyder Foundation, Inc.
The Caldwell Family
Mr. Norman H. Brown and Mrs. Anne Cooling
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan H. Cocroft
CAPT Leonard A. DiLorenzo and Mrs. Annmarie Garceau DiLorenzo
Mr. Paul A. Dimitruk and Mrs. Ingrid Dimitruk
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Dunmire
Edward M. Polk Family
ExxonMobil Foundation
CAPT and Mrs. James F. Giblin Jr.
Google for NonProfits
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Holland III
CAPT David P. Hunter, USNR (Ret.) and Mrs. Paula Hunter

CAPT Harry W. Konkel
Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Park Service
Koret Foundation
Mrs. Mary Ann Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Liebert
Lockheed Martin Corporation – Middletown, RI
The Honorable Juliette C. McLennan
George K. Moss and Joyce L. Moss
Mr. Douglas L. Newhouse and Dr. Holly M. Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Polk
Mr. Richard F. Powers III
Mr. Daniel P. Quigley and Mrs. Jennifer Quigley
Raytheon Missiles & Defense

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Rochford
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Roxe
MG Stephen R. Seiter and Mrs. Mary Joan Hoene
Mr. Tarek Sherif
Nathaniel M. Sims, M.D. and Mrs. Katherine B. Sims
Sturm, Ruger and Company, Incorporated
The Carthage Foundation
The Lenfest Group
The Widgeon Foundation
Dr. Daniel M. Thys and Dr. Susan Thys-Jacobs
CAPT and Mrs. Robert Turpin
USG Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Archbold D. van Beuren
Waring and Carmen Partridge Foundation

Hayward Level

Lifetime giving between $25,000 up to $50,000
Estimated total donations: $4.8 Million

CDR and Mrs. Larry R. Adamson
Anonymous (2 members wish to remain anonymous)
Mr. Theodore H. Ashford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bohan
Boushee Charitable Fund
Mr. George T. F. Boyer
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Charles and Richard Oestreich Foundation, Inc.
Mr. William P. Collatos
CSX Lines
CAPT and Dr. Paul P. Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott DePasquale
Diane M. Disney, Ph.D.
EDO Corporation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Mr. Frank Fariello
GE Aerospace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gentile
Gilbane, Incorporated
Mr. John R. Haines
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Foundation
Huntington Ingalls Industries
Jean K. Lafromboise Foundation
Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training
Ms. Stephanie W. McLennan
The Honorable J. William Middendorf, II
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Mott
Navy Federal Credit Union
Navy League of the United States, New York Council
Mr. Waring Partridge and Mrs. Carmen Partridge
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Pelletier
Pew Charitable Trusts

Pratt & Whitney
Prince Charitable Trusts
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reid
Ms. Virginia Richard
CAPT and Mrs. Matthew R. Ritchey
Riverside Partners
Rodgers Family Foundation
Ms. Barbara Schoenfeld and Dr. Larry Schoenfeld and The Sand Foundation
Mr. George W. Strake Jr.
The Boeing Company
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
Ultra Electronics, Limited
U.S. Naval War College
CAPT Lee E. Whitcomb
William Blair & Company Foundation
Mrs. Judith D. Wood
Mr. Stephen Yoken

Pringle Level

Lifetime giving between $25,000 up to $50,000
Estimated total donations: $3.8 Million

Aeroflex, Incorporated
American Express Foundation
American Roll-on Roll-off Carrier, LLC
AT&T Foundation
BAE Systems Minneapolis
Bank of America
Mr. Richard C. Barker
Benevity Fund
BIC Corporation
Mr. Bruno Bich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Blair Jr.
Booz Allen
Mrs. Judy Brennan

RADM Julius S. Caesar, USN (Ret.)
Mrs. Catherine Calore
Mr. Ted Carter
Mr. Michael W. Coulter
Cox Business
RDML A.B. Cruz III, USN (Ret.) and Dr. Jill Cruz
Brian Cunha, Esq
Mrs. Elizabeth Dater Jennings
Dayton T. Brown
Mr. Guillaume de Ramel
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan J. DeVore
James S. DiMatteo
Mrs. Maureen N. Donnell
DRS Technologies, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. James Eagan

Edwin S. Soforenko Foundation
Estate of Barbara Epstein
Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC
Mr. Harold B. Finn
Dr. Vail P. Garvin and Mr. Ronald C. Ungterberger
General Dynamics Corporation
General Dynamics Electric Boat
Mr. James F. Getz
Mrs. Mary Gilbane
Goldman Sachs & Company
Mrs. Nancy Grand
Jeanne M. and Tom M. Hagerty
Rev and Mrs. Douglas C. Halvorsen
Hunter Defense Technologies
Huntington Ingalls Industries


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