In Case You Missed It: Newport Lecture Series with Dr. Olenda Johnson and Dr. Liz Cavallaro

Dec 12, 2020

The Naval War College Foundation hosted its Newport Lecture Series on December 9, 2020 with a presentation from Naval War College professors Olenda Johnson and Liz Cavallaro on the topic of “Teaching Leadership to Navy Senior Leaders . . . and Doing So Virtually!”

This lecture described the journey taken by the U.S. Naval War College, College of Leadership and Ethics (CLE), in teaching a week long leadership course for 2-star Navy admirals, Marine general officers, and senior executive civilians. As directed by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), CLE has responsibility for Flag Officer Leader Development. This discussion provided a window into the learning and development processes that were utilized to advance senior level leadership, especially during this unprecedented year.

For those that were unable to attend, a replay of the presentation is available here: NLS with Dr. Olenda Johnson and Dr. Liz Cavallaro.


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