Secretary of the Navy releases Education for Seapower Strategy 2020

Mar 3, 2020

On Monday, March 2, 2020, Thomas B. Modly, Acting SECNAV, released the first-ever Education for Seapower Strategy 2020 “to align the policies and resources required to produce a better educated and more agile naval force – for officers, enlisted, and civilians alike.”

In the coming weeks and months, the Naval War College Foundation will share more information about the impact of this strategy on the educational initiatives that we support at the Naval War College. As Mr. Modly states in his letter: “By implementing and interating this Education for Seapower Strategy 2020 for the long run, we will continue to build an integrated naval force that is intellectually agile and adaptive – a decisive force from the sea that can out-think and out-fight any challenger to American interests, while better enabling our national security to prevail despite an unpredictable future.”

Read the Education for Seapower Strategy 2020 here:



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