Registration Open for 2020 Newport Summer Symposium

Registration Open for 2020 Newport Summer Symposium

Registration for the fifth annual Newport Summer Symposium is now open! Please join us on Friday, August 21, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EDT) for this year’s virtual event. The Symposium will examine U.S. Strategic Considerations for an Effective Foreign...
Top Honors Conferred at June NWC Graduation

Top Honors Conferred at June NWC Graduation

At the graduation ceremony on June 24th, the Naval War College (NWC) announced the two individuals who achieved the top academic standing in the College of Naval Warfare (CNW) and College of Naval Command & Staff (CNCS). Respectively, CDR John Sellwood of the...
This Month in Naval War College President (PNWC) History

This Month in Naval War College President (PNWC) History

June is a significant month in Naval War College presidential history. Three extraordinary NWC presidents either began or finished out their terms during this month. Since the founding of the College in 1884, selected presidents have been asked to lead and advance the...
NWCF Announces Appointment of Two New Board Members

NWCF Announces Appointment of Two New Board Members

The Naval War College Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of two new members to its Board of Trustees. Joining the board are Mr. Dominic “Dom” A. Dannessa and Mr. Scott DePasquale. These appointments bring NWCF’s total board membership to 24. CEO...

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