Naval War College Review – Winter 2020

Naval War College Review – Winter 2020

Two modified Standard Missile 2 (SM-2) Block IV interceptors are launched from the guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70) during a Missile Defense Agency (MDA) test to intercept a short-range ballistic-missile target, conducted on the Pacific Missile Range...
Naval War College Review – Autumn 2019

Naval War College Review – Autumn 2019

A German U-boat searches the North Atlantic for Allied convoys during World War II. In “The Royal Navy and Organizational Learning: The Western Approaches Tactical Unit and the Battle of the Atlantic,” Geoffrey Sloan examines the question of improving tactical...
Naval War College Review – Summer 2019

Naval War College Review – Summer 2019

A rendering of World War II-era maritime mines. In “Preparing Today for the Mines of Tomorrow,” Joshua Edwards reviews traditional mining practices and the methodologies used to assess the effectiveness of mines and to plan their usage, and proposes new...
Naval War College Review – Spring 2019

Naval War College Review – Spring 2019

A Chinese amphibious transport ship leaves port in the Netherlands in January 2015. In “Surging Second Sea Force: China’s Maritime Law-Enforcement Forces, Capabilities, and Future in the Gray Zone and Beyond,” Andrew Erickson, Joshua Hickey, and Henry Holst analyze...
Naval War College Review – Winter 2020

The Newport Papers – On Wargaming

Newport Papers are extended research projects that the Director, the Dean of Naval Warfare Studies, and the President of the Naval War College consider to be of particular interest to policy makers, scholars, and analysts. These book-length monographs cover a variety...

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