Registration Now Open for Virtual San Francisco Symposium

Registration Now Open for Virtual San Francisco Symposium

This year’s San Francisco Symposium, held virtually on Saturday, October 17, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT, will examine the theme of International Order and Great Power Competition. The Symposium will feature presentations from Naval War College professors Dr....
September 11th: Remembering Our 11

September 11th: Remembering Our 11

Today, we commemorate the 19th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, the deadliest terrorist attack in United States history. We join the Nation and our friends and allies around the world in mourning the loss of life that occurred on that day. 11 members...
In Case You Missed It: Newport Lecture Series with David Kohnen

In Case You Missed It: Newport Lecture Series with David Kohnen

The Naval War College Foundation kicked off the 2020-2021 Newport Lecture Series on Wednesday, September 9 with a presentation from David Kohnen, Director, John B. Hattendorf Center for Maritime Historical Research, on U.S. Navy Commanders Ernest J. King and Chester...

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